Home Publications CHACR Digest CHACR Digest #7 – The cyberwar that wasn’t

CHACR Digest #7 – The cyberwar that wasn’t

The latest Digest builds upon the questions that we have pondered in the immediately preceding issues. Why has there not been the cyber bombardment of the West that was anticipated as a ramping up of the ‘sub-threshold‘ competition that characterised Russia’s relationship with its potential protagonists? Is the attack on Ukrainian infrastructure (especially agricultural and carbon fuel infrastructure) just about Ukraine, or does it have wider design? How will Russia seek to re-establish the helpful divisions and disagreements between its potential protagonists (US/EU, intra-EU, UK/EU, intra-NATO, NATO/EU, etc) that have served its purpose so well in the so-called constant competition?

Issue #6 of CHACR’s Digest is out now. Read above or click here to download a printable PDF.

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