Less dense?

"The seize-and-hold tactics that Russia has had forced upon it by her failure to topple the Ukrainian regime in the first weeks of the...

Time to talk ‘Total Defence’

"There are templates to hand and no shortage of historical warnings about the growing threat to European security and what happens when disruptors and dictators...

Deterring Armageddon

"Deterring Armageddon is far from a dry historical record. A Reuters foreign correspondent and specialist Army Reservist, the author combines the detailed research and insight...

Lost in translation?

"Dima Adamsky points out that for Russia deterrence is an act (including the limited use of force) rather than a rhetorical threat and is practiced...

Using and mis-using history

"History does not only provide ammunition for politicians or history nerds, it is also of vital importance for the military. History does not provide...

The deterioration of deterrence?

"For NATO, changed almost beyond recognition following Vladimir Putin’s latest military aggression and revitalised as a newly vibrant security body, grown both in size...

Polycrisis: The new normal

"The world feels more complex, precarious, and dangerous than it has for some time." – General Sir Patrick Sanders, Chief of the General Staff,...

War’s final frontier?

"Ultimately, the picture Tim Marshall paints is not a cheery one. The emergence of great power competition has heralded another space race. What is...

Lest we forget

"Read your history. Because we no longer have a national memory to aid our act of Remembrance by strengthening the collective ritual with universal...

Live. Fight. Survive.

"At a time when much of the world’s attention has been diverted, Live. Fight. Survive. serves to remind readers of the intensity and severity...