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Dr Richard Warnes

Associate Fellow

Dr Richard Warnes is a consultant on defence and security, working part-time for Vedette Consulting Limited (VCL). His interests lie in the fields of terrorism and irregular warfare, and he regularly writes and lectures on both. He has a background in international relief and both military and policing service. Richard was also previously an analyst at RAND Europe and conducted field evaluations of a counter-insurgency capacity building programme in Iraq and Afghanistan over a six-year period.

Richard was awarded Bramshill Police Staff College and Airey Neave Trust Fellowships and holds an initial degree in international politics, a master’s degree in criminal justice studies, with a doctorate on ‘Human Factors in Effective Counter-Terrorism’.

His previous publications/ joint publications include: Human Factors in Effective Counter-Terrorism (Routledge, 2024); Developments in Terrorism and Counterterrorism during the COVID-19 Pandemic and implications for the future (NATO COE-DAT, 2021); The Importance of Local Community Intelligence in Countering Terrorism (Hungarian Defence Review, 2018); Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP): A more active EU counter-terrorist role? (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2017); Exploring Patterns of Behaviour in Violent Jihadist Terrorists: An analysis of six significant terrorist conspiracies in the UK (RAND, 2011); and Considering the Creation of a Domestic Intelligence Agency in the United States (RAND, 2009).