This is the fifth issue of the weekly CHACR Take Away newsletter. In these newsletters, you will find links to the latest products by the CHACR, but also links to key reports and studies by external experts and institutions which we think you should pay attention to.
A Word from the Director As COVID-19 continues to take its toll, and the Army continues to deliver support to the hard-pressed NHS (and stands by to deliver support to wider national needs in MAC(A), MAC(P) and MAC(C) contexts) an increasing amount of work is going into thinking about ‘what next’? Projects across the Army, and wider Defence, are looking not just at the reset post-COVID world’s probable effects upon and implications for the Integrated Review, but upon the whole range of Army activity, stretching from the deployment of small training teams abroad to the very raison d’être of the Army, and, indeed, at the nation’s whole approach to contingency planning and mitigation. The terms ‘interesting times’ or ‘unprecedented times’ are being bandied about daily, with good reason, to describe what is happening now. At CHACR we suspect that they will be even more apposite as a descriptor of what may happen next…
Maj Gen (Ret) Dr Andrew Sharpe