Ares & Athena – Issue 27 – Coup d’oeil or coup d’AI?

“At the heart of good generalship sits professional competence in the battlespace. In this respect, in force development circles in the UK and, widely, elsewhere, it is often argued that professional competence, both in the generals themselves and in their staffs, will be enhanced by the obvious benefits of well-designed, well-programmed, well-directed and well-used artificial intelligence (AI). Perhaps a general’s intuition alone need no longer be the deciding factor? The delivery of faster, better filtered and sorted, relevant data can change the OODA [Observe, Orient, Decide and Act]-loop turning-circles very much in favour of those who hold the AI upper hand. Thus, human ‘coup d’oeil’ can be hugely enhanced by machine ‘coup d’AI’. But, in the discussion of the relative merits of artificial intelligence and the human factors involved in military command and decision making, a distinction needs to be drawn, from the outset, concerning the differences between the roles and realities of information and intelligence, instinct and intuition.” – Dr Andrew Sharpe, Director CHACR.

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